WDSFi kongress 2023


11.juunil toimus Madridis AGM 2023, millel osalesid ka ETSÜ delegaadid. See oli ETSÜ jaoks esimene kord osaleda täisliikmena WDSF AGM töös.

2023 AGM  valis uue Distsiplinaar Nõukogu (Disciplinary  Council).  Uute liikmete valimine näitas WDSF usaldust meie  Tantsuspordi Ühenduse tegevusele. Eesti Tantsuspordi Ühenduse väliskomisjoni juht  Aleksander Makarov  valiti järgmiseks neljaks aastaks Disciplinary  Council liikmeks.


The General Meeting also elects the nine members of the Disciplinary Council, the independent jurisdictional organ of WDSF. The council assumes the role of a “sports court” and renders final and binding judgment whenever it called upon the constituents of WDSF.

The Secretary General (SG) is responsible for the routine business in WDSF’s offices. He or she shall report to, act on and carry out the instructions given to him or her by the President, the Managing Committee and the Presidium or any of them. The SG is the superior of all paid employees of the WDSF and supervises their work.  The SG   takes   care   of the external relations to other international sports organizations as long as such relations do not mainly have a strategic nature. During any period when no SG has been employed or the employment of a SG has been suspended or terminated, the President assumes the functions of the Secretary General of WDSF for that period and then has full authority to manage the day-to-day business of WDSF.


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